Saturday, October 31, 2009

My week in a "nut shell"

It has been an extremely busy but wonderful week. I began the week with a normal day of school, which we had school all five day along with all the other fun things we did. After school on Monday I went with the roomies to a friend’s house for dinner. We had a blast talking and just spending time together. On Tuesday, we hosted the first Alfa group. The first meeting we were able to sit in on and it was wonderful. There were two young ladies in attendance and they will be back again. We are praying that more will attend and want to know more about the Bible. This is an informational “Bible Study” for non-believers. Their opinions are heard and then discussed along with a 45 minute video about the topic for the evening. On Wednesday we had Team Meeting and it was just a wonderful day in all. (Days like that are wonderful!) On Thursday we had the first International Coffee House which was wonderful. We had a local artist who plays on the street play and he was great. He is going to the University and plays on the street to make a living. He was hilarious and had the audience rolling with laughter. Next week there will be a blind man playing and singing for entertainment. We hope there will be a big crowd for this. We had a wonderful turnout and only hope and pray for those to come back and for more to attend. Then on Friday, last night, I had Polish Sign Language Lessons. This was so much fun. I was able to learn some words in PSL and work on my spoken Polish too. I had a wonderful time getting to know the lady, Ula, and learning a language I love! She was able to learn some ASL from me, but mainly I was doing the learning and her teaching. It was a wonderful week even with all that was going on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to read up on your blog! Sad to see Hezekiah , Eli, and Maggie missed out on the fun kids night! :) Anyhow, we are keeping you in our prayers. Love ya! gretchen :)