Monday, February 16, 2009

I am still alive

Wow has the last month been a whirl wind. I have been teaching for 3 weeks now, started my forth week today actually. I am really enjoying teaching. The girls are great and we have a blast daily. They are a new joy each morning. Because my job is teaching I spend a lot of my time planning how to teach the kiddos all they need to know. I spend the next main part of my weeks studding language. I only have class for two hours a week but I enjoy being able to absorb all I learn in the two hours. It takes me a while to learn a new language so I am happy for the absorption time each week. Other than that I go to the coffee house each week and talk to those who come. The last two weeks in our area of Poland, we have been on winter break so we have not gone out to the villages to work but beginning tomorrow village work will begin again.
I have been going to the church in one of the villages we work in on Tuesdays. I have enjoyed the last few weeks out there. I understand very little of what they are saying, but I am starting to be able to sing along with the songs. The Poles at church love to try to talk to me, but because it is all in Polish we have a language barrier. The man who plays the piano, one neat thing is he is blind, speaks English and we talk after church during coffee and tea. I am hoping my language improves so I will be able to commutate with those at church quickly.
As far as fun times, we had a team Valentine’s Day party on Saturday and we all had a blast. I let the girls make Valentine’s on Friday and you would have thought I gave them gold. They were able to spend about 1.5 hours working and letting their creative juices flow. My favorite line of the day we “Miss Naomi don’t look at my desk” it made me laugh all three times. I gave the kiddos roses and I loved the looks on their faces when they realized they were theirs and no one else’s. The three year old had the best face of plain aw and happiness. We spent time playing games and eating pizza and fruit dipped in chocolate and homemade cookies and cupcakes. All in all it was a great evening.
I am staying warm…well as warm as possible. It SNOWED yesterday while we were at church and I really did not have on the clothes and shoes needed for that amount of snow. I was fine as long as I was inside or in the car, but outside I was cold. The sun was out until we were about half way to church (a 30 minute ride or so), and then it basically snowed for the rest of the day. Today the sun was out again, which was such a blessing, and I was able to spend some much needed time out in it. It has started to stay light longer, it used to be dark by 3:45 but it is 4:15 and still light out right now. I love to sun and am very glad it is staying light out longer. I can do without the sun at 6:30 but all will be good. At least I know I am up when I need to be up. Life in Poland is becoming easier and more routine, it can still use a little work but it is getting there. God is using this time to help me to rely more and more on Him and I quit enjoy our time together. Thank you for all your prayers and support.